Become a force for good

From burnout to feeling alive and on purpose - the 7th C that changed my life: Compassion

(If you missed the other 6 C’s, check out my other blogs)

“The world does not need more love. Everybody loves something. Some people even love killing. What the world needs is love with compassion” - ST


I like to say: Become a CIA agent. An agent for Compassion-In-Action !

How can we become more compassionate? This again starts with ourselves. Understanding and accepting ourselves. 

We have all done things we are not proud of. I will be the first one to admit that. But we have two choices: to forgive ourselves now or in the future - while carrying this emotional burden with us. Why wait?

Yes, we sometimes made the wrong choices and went in the wrong direction. But we did the best we could at the time. Our experiences are the building blocks for our character. So, learn from your mistakes and move on. Give yourself the gift of Compassion.


Give yourself the gift of compassion


The more compassionate we are towards ourselves, the more compassion we can give to others. That doesn’t mean that we have to agree with other people’s actions. But we at least try to understand where they come from, what drove them to act this way. So we can forgive them and move on.

It also doesn’t mean that we just sit around, accept everything and do nothing. Compassion towards ourselves and others creates an opening for moving forward with our vision. Because we are not stopping ourselves out of shame, guilt, sadness, anger or frustration. It allows us to move forward with love, understanding, and the ability to give with an open heart.

True leadership starts here …

As a leader we can be more compassionate by understanding of our team members. What it is that drives them: money, personal recognition, wanting to use their creativity, be independent, work towards a shared vision. 

We can become a vessel for compassion and support others on their journey towards happiness. Become a mentor, a facilitator for their personal growth. Be a Compassion-In-Action agent when people fall, encourage them to pick themselves up again and keep believing in themselves. To always see their goodness, their power and beauty, even if they cannot themselves. To be their mirror for greatness.

Those are true leaders that aim higher and help humanity grow!

I love to hear what these 7C’s sparked in you!

Ps. And because I like structure, I put everything I talked about and also use in my mentoring into 5 steps called the P.E.A.C.E model. I am currently making this easily digestible as short (yet powerful) online courses, so you can get started yourself. If you prefer to have my help on your journey, just reach out to me and I am happy to see how we can elevate each other.

Whichever you choose to be your next step, I believe in you, I feel your greatness and cannot wait to see you step into your true power


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